Using an Arduino to Measure pH and Temperature of a Pool

This video shows how a pH sensor and temperature sensor can be used in conjunction to monitor the pH levels and temperature of a pool. Once the readings for both sensors have been collected, the pH level and temperature are displayed on an LCD screen.

Given a target pH level, the program will calculate the amount of chemicals needed to either increase or decrease the pH of the pool. Depending on the pools actual dimensions, the calculation to get the appropriate amount of added chemicals to alter pH levels can be adjusted.

Here is a list of parts used:

1. BNC pH Lab Electrode: RB-Phi-145 by Phidgets

2. Practical Maker BNC Sensor Shield (sits on top of Arduino)

3. Baaqii HD44780 1602 LCD DISPLAY MODULE LCM BLUE Backlight 16X2 PIC for Arduino AVR

4. Potentiometer

5. Arduino Uno

Post time: Jul-05-2017
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