Ultimate Keurig 2.0 Hack! All menu choices unlocked and for your use!

Please look at the original PERMANENT Keurig 2.0 hack first:


to learn how to use *any* cup in your Keurig 2.0.

This is my second-ever YouTube video and was captured in one take, unscripted, at 11 PM. Please excuse the unpolished quality. I do have a daytime job. I hope you get the gist of the ideas I was trying to convey.

This ultimate (and reversible) hack allows you access to all the menu choices in your Keurig 2.0. Frustrated by the 10 oz limit on the K-Cup? Gone after you use this fix! Frustrated by the Keurig 2.0 not remembering your favorite cup size and whether you want it “strong” or not? The choice is yours after you apply this fix!

The only down side to this “ultimate hack” is that you have to remove the magnet if you want to use a Vue Cup or K-Carafe. There is a more permanent fix if you want to eliminate that hassle, but it also means you won’t get the convenience (simplicity) of the K-Cup menu when you put in a K-Cup.

If you are worried about losing the magnet, you can put a piece of tape over the magnet to help it stay in place.

I used a Dremel to cut off the magnet that I removed from something like this:


I do like the Keurig 2.0 after I applied the initial *permanent* hack and now this “ultimate hack”.

Enjoy this video, and please share on your social media and blog so others can share in the joy of Keurig 2.0 despite Keurig’s feeble attempt at trying to limit your CHOICE in how you make your coffee and from whom you can get your coffee.

Post time: Jul-18-2017
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