Repair water heater thermostat. How to check and repair?

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What if I broke a water heater? The heater does not heat the water? How to check the heater? How to repair the water heater thermostat is not folding their hands at home?
1) Pull out the plug from the socket.
2) Remove the protective cover with a button.
3) Disconnect the thermostat terminals.
4) Remove the thermostat.
5) If you know the power of your heating element, it is possible to directly measure up its resistance. If not, will loosen and view features on the inner surface.
Resistance can be calculated using the formula:
R = U² / P, Ohm,
where U – voltage power supply (I 220);
P – power heater (1200 W I);
R = 220² / 1,200 = 40.33 ohms.
Align the multimeter to resistance measurement mode in the range of 200-2000 Ohms (my multimeter minimum limit of the measuring 2,000 ohms).
If the instrument will show a value close to the calculated, the heater is OK. In all other cases, be replaced.
To check the thermostat should be set the multimeter to continuity test mode and check the contact between each pair of terminals. If the beeps, then everything is in order. If not, then most likely it is a break contact. Turn the knob counter-clockwise and check again. Still not contact? Then the problem thermostat. Chances are oxidised, or, as in my case, the contact “rocker” become attached to the plastic.
To disassemble the thermostat is necessary to pull up the knob and then unscrew it, then drill out rivets. Slowly disconnect the 2 halves. The smallest detail – a spring. Watch out for it! :) If the pad is in the top position, try to click on it, it should come back. Then only need to clean the contacts.
In my case it was necessary to enclose a piece of adhesive tape. In my opinion it was the easiest and most affordable option. Perhaps you could apply a thin layer of hot glue. THIS IS ONLY MY EXPERIENCE AND DO NOT RECOMMEND DO AS I DO !!!

To assemble the need to find 2 screw and 2 nuts.

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Post time: Jun-20-2017
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