Portable Actuator (Attuatore Portatile) APB45N operating an emergency on AUMA SA10 Electric Actuator

Italian company ‘F.lli Scapin Snc’ has developed a brand new set of Portable Actuators, developed for handling sluice gates and mobile locking systems in every situation. In this video, the battery-operated model APB45N is solving an emergency situation on a sluice gate equipped with an AUMA SA10. The electric actuator cannot work without electrical power because of a local blackout. APB45N is battery-operated so this device allows the operator to solve the emergency, moving the gate very easily without any phisical effort or any risk of his safety.
More tecnhical infos available here: https://www.flliscapin.com/index.php/en/products-eng/portable-actuators/model-apb45n.html
More videos of full set of devices here: https://www.flliscapin.com/index.php/en/video-scapin.html
If you’re interested, please contact the nearest reseller in your country: https://www.flliscapin.com/index.php/en/resellers.html

Post time: Jun-12-2017
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