Part 2 WILLHI WH7016 temperature controller for poultry incubator

Second part of three on setting up a WILLHI WH7016 temperature controller for use in a poultry incubator. See part 1 for introduction of the unit and and search for instructions.
Part three finishes set up and demos operation.
At 5:07 I said put the power wire in #6, DO NOT PUT POWER INTO #6, power input goes into #3 & 4, 5 & 6 jumper together locking system to prevent tampering after set-up.

For Ron: This unit only controls one external item, to control two, your freezer compressor or heat blanket, you could use two controllers, or find one that controls two different items. I know there are units that do what you want, but I don’t know what the ident numbers are.

Post time: Jul-17-2017
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