Newport Power Station thermal mixing zone water treatment – Health Warning

Health Warning for people fishing. Some fish caught from the lower Yarra and Maribynong Rivers may contain low levels of chemical contaminants.

Eating Large amounts of these fish may be harmful to health, particularly for children and unborn babies.

Children under 16, and women who may be pregnant or breast feeding or becoming pregnant are advised not to eat eels caught from these rivers and to limit their meals of caught fish to one per month.

Advice for other adults is to allow one meal of eel per month and up to four meals of caught fish.

For more information about eating fish safely contact
the Department of Human Service on 1300761874
or visit

Electricity Can Also Affect Water Quality
Producing electricity can have significant implications for water quality. For example:

Water used to cool electricity-generating steam exits the power plant at substantially higher temperatures — up to 18º F hotter at power plants in summer. This “thermal pollution” can harm local aquatic ecosystems, especially during the summer months when species are at or near their heat tolerance thresholds.

Minerals unearthed during fuel mining and drilling can contaminate groundwater, which in turn affects drinking water and local ecosystems.

Coal mining and combustion create wastes with dangerous toxins such as mercury, lead, and arsenic; and improper storage or disposal of those wastes can contaminate water supplies. Coal combustion can also create acid rain, increasing the acidity of lakes and streams and harm aquatic ecosystems.

Post time: Jul-10-2017
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