MHS 17: How Do You Get Morgellons Worms?

Morgellons is a military grade biological weapon and has been used against people of “military interest”, a certain section of the population who have been singled out for torture and elimination. Some victims have worms in their facea which they pick out every day. Some have them in their hands and feet and they come out half-way and then go back in. These are people who are not going to let you know of their disease. it causes people to stop living, stop going out, stop living their lives. Morgellons is one of the worst crimes against humanity that has every been done against any humans. Ask your president why!

When I made this video, I had not considered the possibility of a hexagon being delivered by an arthropod and unfolding in an insect bite or ovum deposite site. This may also be a possibility as I have only seen two hexagons, the one I took a picture of for this video and another which had no little bubbles, just a metallic surface. There are probably multiple ways to come into contact with the pathogenic hexagons.

WORM THERAPY, yes its real. Worms in the skin, worms in the eyes, worms in the neck, choking you. People are being murdered with Morgellons while the world watches and does nothing.

Notice that the following research does not mention using worms to destoy a person’s skin, face and entire body with colonies of parasitic worms. The good research which may help some illnesses has been weaponized in Morgellons where worms do increase and take over the entire body causing illness and pain.

Download power point presentation about Evolution and Medicine:

Evolutionsists believe our immune systems co-evolved with worms and bacteria. When you remove the worms and bacteria from the body, the immune system responds inappropriately.

Worms produce molecules that disable signaling pathways and block immune responses that would kill or expel them. Those molecules also disable the signaling pathwys that elicit allergies and asthma. Our immune systems have evolved to accommodate worms by decreasing its sensitivity to them. It probably did so to avoid the debilitating effects of long-term inflammation. thus both worms and humans have evolved to dampen inflammatory responses.

This combination of evolution and medicine led to the development and use of WORM THERAPY. The ideal characteristics for a therapeutic helminth:
1.. Has little or no pathogenic potential
2. Does not multiply in the host.
3. Cannot be directly spread to close contacts
4. Produces a self-limited colonization in humans
5. Produces an asymptomatic colonization in humans
6. does not alter behavior in patients with depressed immunity.
7. Is not affected by most commonly used medications
8. Can be eradicated with an anti-helminthic drug
9. Can be isolated free of other potential pathogens
10. Can be isolated free of other potential pathogens
11. Can be isoltaed or produced in large numbers
12. Can be made stable for transport and storage
13. Its easy to administer

Therapy with ova of pig whipworms:
4 patients with Crohn’s disease and 3 with ulcerative colitis all improved after ingesting 2500 embryonated ovae. 23 of 29 patients with Crohn’s disease who received 2500 ovae every 3 weeks for 24 weeks responded with a significant reduction of symptoms. Of 54 patients with active ulcerative colitis in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, 43% of those treated with worm eggs improved v. 17% of those on placebos.

Evidence on worms and multiple sclerosis
A case-control study in Argentina showed that the progress of multiple sclerosis was dramatically slower in patients who were also infected with parasitic worms. the evidence was convincing enough to persuade NIH to fund a clinicl trial in Iowa in which MS patients are being treated with the eggs of a parasitic worm that can stimulate the human immune system but not survive tin the human body.

Take-home points:
The human immune system evolved on the assumptoms that we are reliably infected with worms and that our gut flora mutualistically produces many helpful products. We appear to have delegated some responsibilities to other genomes – including the developmental induction of immune tissues. If through excessive hygiene we sterlize ourselves, our immue system can react inappropriately and our digestive tract can respond unnaturally. This are mismatches to modernity: diseases of civilization. Here evolutionary insights are helping to develop effective therapies for diseases previously untreatable.

This presentation then discusses cancer as an evolutionary process. Cancer is also a symptom of Morgellons.

Post time: Jul-26-2017
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