How To Air Bleed Engine Cooling System – Prevent engine Overheating

In this veide we show you how to remove air pocket by bubbles from the engine cooling systen. Failure to BLEED the Cooling System on a automobile Engine that is recommended to do-so will cause failure to engine and improper operation. Failure to BLEED the Cooling System can cause Ignition KNOCK”PING” which could lead to cracks appearing inside the Engine Block, Inside the Cylinder Head Combustion Chamber water/coolant jacket and Apply poor heating to the passenger compartment during extreme Cold weather climate. Have a LOOK at HOW-TO relieve the AIR bubbles or AIR pocket that maybe trap inside the Engine Cooling System. Many of Today`s automobile Engine are Air Bleed in the same manner illustrated in this Video. When Air Bleed a cooling System, All hoses and gaskets must be pressure tight, No leak must be found on the System or the Air Bleeding procedure will fail. the Cooling System must be Pressure TEST with a Radiator Pressure Tester Tool at 28psi. The Radiator CAP must be pressure TEST at 17psi. ALWAYS AIR-BLEED THE COOLING SYSTEM WHEN IT IS COOL, and NEVER HOT or WARM. HOT COOLANT CAN CAUSE 2ND DEGREE BURN TO THE SKIN. NEVER PERFORM ANY SERVICE TO A HOT TEMPERATURE ENGINE.

How to Air-Bleed Cooling System for Automobile. Feature is the 2004 Nissan Frontier SE 4×4 with a V6(VG33E) Engine. Other makes and model like the Nissan Xterra, Pathfinder and other Infiniti Automobile products. Most Automakers will feature a REVERSE COOLING SYSTEM which always require Air-Bleeding to achieve 100% efficient Cooling Ability.

How to lower engine coolant operation temperature .

Post time: May-29-2017
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