Dual axis solar tracking system projects for engineering and diploma students

With the technical advancements in the daily life. Man has always tried to re-innovate himself to the furthest frontiers in his field. This has led to the design of the advanced Micro Controllers called PIC micro controllers; we have used the same in our project.
In this project we are acquiring the data from the light intensity senses. Which are then fed to the comparators, and then they are fed to the PIC. The software is developed in the PIC such that. It collects the data from the comparators and then drives the stepper motor either in the clock wise or in the anti clock wise direction using the relay driver IC.
Here, depending on the light that falls on both the sensors, there will be a slight potential difference and this causes the PIC to drive the stepper motor till both the sensors gets the same light intensify and at this point of time the motor stops and thus indicates the correct location required by the software.
The project entitled PIC Micro controller solar tracking system provides energy by makes the maximum utilization of solar energy.
When light falls on the sensor. Sensors sensed the intensity of light and make stepper motor to trace the light source.

our project details
visit website www.technofist.com, www.technofist.in
email info@technofist.com
ph 91-9008001602

Post time: Jul-28-2017
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