Chrysler Pacifica Upper Intake leak

3.5 Pacifica Upper Intake Air leak

This issue is very common on the 3.5 Pacificas. You will hear a hissing/whistle sound if you pop the hood. And your check engine light will go on as well, with possibly different codes, as system to lean and it could also affect the idle and such. And the issue with this is on the upper intake, bad news is that it cost around $2000 at the dealer, which is the only place you may find it, and at a junk yard around $700, which I would not recommend considering it is a very common problem it may happen to you again. We came up with a solution, the video explains what we did, sorry if video is a little confusing, didn’t take much time to think over what I was going to say, haha.

Post time: Sep-22-2017
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