Broken Power Chair Actuator

Broken stop in a tilt actuator caused the back of the chair to flip over. I was able to get the actuator working again but without the stop the chances of running it right out the end were high, so high it happened just after I left. She can’t see it so she has no warning of when it is nearing the end. I made up a bar to replace the actuator and lock it in place but because the company had already been called they were already on their way. They “fixed” it by jamming a much larger actuator from a different chair in place. When I checked up on her later that night it became apparent this wasn’t going to work. First they had hooked the thing up so she had bumped the button jamming the seat upright. Second when the chair tilt was used the two actuators slid along each other ripping the hell out of everything. Third when they jammed this big piston in place they didn’t check for wire clearance and the insulation was already cut through in just a few hours. I took what they had done back apart, replaced it with the bar I made and told her that if anyone says *anything* about it that they were to give me a call and I would explain why I did everything. I figure she was at best two days from cutting those wires and shutting that whole chair down wherever it was. Now I don’t have to worry about he getting stranded.

Your mobility, don’t take it for granted.

Post time: Jun-05-2017
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