Aquaduino – Arduino Aquarium Automation System

Arduino Aquarium Automation System:

- Arduino Duemilanove
- LCD-Display (16×2)
- 2 x pcf8574 (LCD + IO Expander)
- 2 x uln2008
- 5 x Relay (230V)
- RTC – DS1307
- 2 x ds18s20 – Temp. Sensors (Water + PowerLed-Light)
- IR Infrared receiver + universal remote control
- 433mhz rf transmitter module
- 3 x 3W white PowerLeds
- 1W blue PowerLed
- 1W red PowerLed
- 2 x 700mA LedDriver
- 2 x 350mA LedDriver

- Controlling Water Filter: Timer/Manual – Week/Weekend
- Controlling Air Pump: Timer/Manual – Week/Weekend
- Controlling Water Heater
- Controlling PowerLed Light: Timer/Manual – 4 Channel/PWM (2x3W-White + 1x1W-Blue + 1x1W-Red + 1x3W-White)
- Transmitting Water temp. + LcdLight temp. to another Arduino board
- Feeder: Timer/Manual – NOT READY YET
- Error reporting: (Water temp., LedLight Temp., RTC-Sync Problems etc.)

Post time: Oct-17-2017
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