Variable Air Volume Air Diffuser with Thermostat

vav diffuser 3

FK-VFB/W Square Plate Type of  Variable Air Volume (VAV) Air Diffuser with Thermostat is one of the newest product Foundation recently launched which widely used in the place of 5.0 meter height like office, lab, conference room, exhibition gallery, shopping mall, resting lobby and ball room etc. As well some special place where need lower air supply in VAV system if choose d type.


Variable Air Volume (VAV) Air Diffuser with Thermostat is one of the newest product Foundation recently launched which widely used in the place of 5.0 meter height like office, lab, conference room, exhibition gallery, shopping mall, resting lobby and ball room etc. As well some special place where need lower air supply in VAV system if choose d type. 


1. Energy saving 

•Compared with other VAV device, FK-VFB/W can be equipped with the fan of small static pressure to dramatically save energy, because of the smaller pressure loss the air diffuser has. 

•Each FK-VFB/W can independently control the air volume where people will not feel overheating or overcold. The theory of energy saving is people can control the air system and unit air flow that is associated with all kind of circumstances, like actual system loading, unpredictable weather, and burdened indoor area people required. 

•The temperature difference between supply air temperature and room temperature is more 50% than common air diffuser if you choose the product where the building has the same hot load and humidity load which can low down the amount of air flow in the whole system. So that it not only low down the energy consumption of fan and motor but also reduce the dimension of air duct system and available room space. This is a real action for saving the investment cost for the project. 

2. Ideal air distribution 

• The way of increase or decrease the air flow is to adjust and change the available area at air outlet which can keep the constant air speed that is to say the different air flow has the same air speed to get the predesign targets of required air throw (supply air distance) and well air attached performance, bringing more flowing and even room air flow. Other VAV systems cannot achieve to all above merits. 

• Common air diffuser whose air speed will be changing along with the air flow. When air flow lessening, the air speed will be dropping, which is easy to happen condensation when cold air supplied or people can not get warm when hot air supplied. 

•Individual structure of this air diffuser can prevent the common one’s flaws, whose air flow comes out in every direction with even air and lower regenerative noise in summer condition. 

Normal working conditions: 

1、Supply air temperature

In summer: supply air temperature ≥ 12 ℃, HR ≤ 95 %

In winter: supply air temperature ≤ 45 ℃ 

2、4.System static pressure (at air inlet) ≤ 62 Pa; the static pressure at the lowest air inlet should be more than 15 Pa. Overhigh static pressure at air inlet will lead serious air leakage at some blades of air dampers 

3、5.When choose d type of FK-VFB/D, the supply air temperature in summer should be 12 ℃ ≥ t ≥ 7 ℃ Proper temperature for the room is ≤26 ℃, RH ≤65%, 19 ℃ dew temperature of the room. When choose this type of diffuser, the thickness of insulation between diffuser and air pipe should be more than 25 mm. 


Air diffuser
Square Plate Type of Variable Air Volume Air Diffuser with Thermostat
1: cold (no mark) 2: cold and hot
12℃≥d≥7℃ d – minor temperature ≥12℃ (no mark)
Face size
Without any accessories (connected with flexible pipe or branch air pipe)
The size connected with the external diameter of air pipe (mm) (Φ148, Φ198, Φ248)

Example: FK-VFB/W/1/d/596*596/Φ198 means Square Plate Type of VAV Air Diffuser with thermostat Control of cold type whose face size is 596*596 mm connected with the air pipe of Φ198mm.








Post time: Jun-05-2017
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